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TESTIMONIALS 2024 - 2025


11 March 2025 - "Where I Photograph Great Britain" - Duston Camera Club

I hope you and Irene had a good journey home last night.

Thank you so much for a very informative and enjoyable talk last night.   I have visited several of the places you mentioned last night, and found it interesting how we take differing images of the same scenes.  I am sure you have inspired our members at Duston to get out and about with their cameras, as you have shown that you don't need to travel too far from home to get great landscape and wildlife photography.

I will look forward to your next talk in January.

Wishing you and Irene all the best. Pat Irons - Programme Secretary


16 December 2024 - "Where I Photograph British Wildlife" - The Caravan Club Photography Group.

Thank you very much for a super talk that everyone enjoyed and appreciated. Corby area is certainly an epicenter for great places to photograph birds! I do hope that you can join us again in the future.  Best Wishes, Stuart

Your pictures were met with universal approval, so I’d be delighted to ask you again next winter.  Best Wishes, Stuart


6 December 2024 - "Where I Photograph British Wildlife" - Dunchurch Photographic Society

Thanks for a fantastic presentation tonight  and for taking the trouble to come over to Dunchurch.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  Best wishes,  Rob Hughes


19 November 2024 - "Judging - Intermediate and Advanced PDI's" - Worcestershire Camera Club

A message of thanks for the comments that you made about my images this week when you were the judge for our PDI competition.  I enter club competitions to get a critique of my image so that i can learn how to improve.  Unfortunately that isn't always the case with some judges.  I took the comments that you made about my three images and edited my images to reflect them.  In each case my images are now better and in one case much better. Thank you!  Nick


28 October 2024 - " Where I Photograph Great Britain" - KIdlington & District Photo Group

Thanks again for your excellent presentation last night. Great photos and information. And I’m grateful that you were able to step in at short notice. We really appreciated it! - Kim Benson

Thank you very much for your interesting talk last night. I'm sure there are a few of us today planning our next photo trip after seeing your images! - Astrid Van Maanen


14 October 2024 - "Judging - Print Portfolio Competition" - Abington Camera Club

 Thank you for making the journey to Abington CC last evening. We very much enjoyed your review of our print panels and choice of a worthy winner.  Alan Edwards

Just a line to say how much we appreciated your critique of our photographs.  Your carefully considered comments were delivered in a friendly, helpful way that I think resonated with our members and I am sure they will have taken them all on board.  So, thank you very much and we hope to see you again soon.  Martin Bodsworth


23 September 2024 - "An Australasian Adventure and its Wildlife" - Kettering & District Photographic Society

Many thanks for your presentation on Monday, feedback from the members has been extremely  positive,  I have copied our Programme manager who was unfortunately away on the night and he will no doubt be in touch when he is preparing future programmes.

 Best regards - Michael Hill - Chairman of KDPS


16 September 2024 - "An Australasian Adventure and its Wildlife" - Gravesend Camera Club

On behalf of the GCC committee and its members, I'd like to thank you for presenting your talk 'An Australasian Adventure And Its Wildlife' last night over Zoom. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing the excellent Australasian landscape, and wildlife photographs that you presented to us from your incredible journey, it was a fantastic evening.

Jason - GCC Programme Secretary


12 June 2024 - "Where I Photograph British Wildlife" - Tamworth Photographic Club

It was good to meet you and your wife, and I hope you had a safe journey back home.

 It was a thoroughly entertaining evening, with so many wonderful images from your travels across the UK. It was great to see such a wide range of species, and also good of you to share the locations where you have captured the images over the years.

 The feedback I have had from our members has been extremely positive, so I hope you can come back to the club at some stage in the future, to share further images and the stories that go along with them ?

 Once again, thank you for a very entertaining and informative evening.

Tamworth Photographic Club Secretary - Mike Woods CPAGB BPE1*


13 May 2024 - "Where I Photograph British Wildlife" - Rushcliffe Photographic Society

Thank you for your excellent talk to Rushcliffe Photographic Society last night. What wonderful images you showed us and you gave excellent detail of the locations and camera settings. I was amazed at the range of birds and butterflies that you had photographed and identified. There were many that I had never even heard of.


12 March 2024 - "Where I photograph Wildlife Abroad" - St Ives Photographic Club

Here is a return booking as discussed earlier.  Many thanks for your talk this evening.  I think it was clear how well it was received.

Steve Eeley


7 March2024 - "An Australasian Adventure and its Wildlife" - Smethwick Photographic Society

Many thanks for your fascinating talk again last night

Dave Airston


29 January 2024 - "An Australasian Adventure and Its Wildlife" - Sodbury and Yate Photographic Club

Just a quick note of thanks from all our members at SYPC.  That talk was top class and your “grab shots” were outstanding. Although “grab shots” they didn't appear to be. It was made even better through your knowledge of the wildlife, geography and the odd little story about the “expedition”..

Thanks again – and I hope to see you back at SYPC with another of your talks.  Stuart






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